Lawn Pest Control in Jacksonville
At Busy Bee Termite & Pest Control, we know your home is one of the most valuable investments you'll ever make. Protecting not just the interior, but also your beautiful lawn is crucial. Jacksonville's lush lawns are often threatened by pests like chinch bugs, mole crickets, tropical sod webworms, and armyworms, which can cause severe damage and diminish your property's curb appeal.
Why Choose Busy Bee Termite & Pest Control for Lawn Pest Control?
With over 27 years of local expertise, Busy Bee Termite & Pest Control offers top-notch outdoor pest services in Jacksonville:
- Expert Lawn Inspections: Our professionals conduct thorough inspections to identify any pest issues early, ensuring effective and targeted treatment.
- Proven Techniques: Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge methods, we provide solutions that have been perfected over decades, giving you peace of mind.
- Yard Spraying: Our yard spraying service effectively eliminates pests, ensuring they don’t stand a chance to ruin your lush, green lawn.
- Local Experts: Our team understands the unique pest challenges in Jacksonville. With our extensive local knowledge, we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your yard.
Don’t let lawn pests take over your outdoor space. Trust Busy Bee Termite & Pest Control to get rid of these nuisances and keep your yard looking its best. Reach out today to learn more about our comprehensive lawn pest control services in Jacksonville.

Common Lawn Pests in the Jacksonville Area
Florida is a beautiful state offering plenty of sunshine and a comfortable climate throughout most of the year. This climate is also conducive to the development of problems with several types of lawn pests, including:
Chinch Bugs
- Chinch bugs are small insects, measuring about 1/8 to 1/5 inch long.
- Adults are black with white wings folded over their backs, displaying a distinctive triangular shape.
- Nymphs are bright red with a white band across their back and turn black as they mature.
What Does Chinch Bug Damage Look Like?
They cause damage by sucking the sap from grass, which results in yellow patches that eventually turn brown and die. This damage often begins in sunny, dry areas and can spread quickly, with affected grass feeling spongy due to the buildup of dead grass and thatch. To detect chinch bugs, look for patchy areas of dead grass, particularly in sunny spots, and check for visible insects on the soil surface or in the thatch layer. A quick test involves using a coffee can with both ends removed, pressing it into the soil, filling it with water, and watching for bugs floating to the surface.
Mole Crickets
- Mole crickets are brown, cricket-like insects with large, spade-like front legs adapted for digging.
- Adult crickets measure about 1 to 1.5 inches long.
What Does Mole Cricket Damage Look Like?
They damage lawns by tunneling through the soil, disrupting the root systems of grass, which causes thinning and browning of the lawn as roots are severed and soil is displaced. This damage makes the affected areas feel loose and spongy. Signs of mole cricket infestation include tunnels and mounds of soil on the surface, birds and other predators feeding on your lawn, and digging in suspect areas often reveals the insects themselves.
Tropical Sod Webworms
- Tropical sod webworms are small, brownish moths in their adult form, with a wingspan of about 3/4 inch.
- The caterpillars are greenish with brown spots and can grow up to 3/4 inch long.
What Does Tropical Sod Webworm Damage Look Like?
These larvae feed on grass blades, creating irregular patches of short, chewed grass. Initial damage appears as small brown patches that can coalesce into larger dead areas, making the grass look scalped or chewed close to the ground. Indicators of an infestation include the presence of moths flying close to the ground at dusk, greenish frass (caterpillar droppings) around damaged areas, and visible caterpillars feeding on grass blades.
- Armyworms are caterpillars with green, brown, or black coloration and distinct stripes along their bodies, growing up to 1.5 inches long.
- Adult armyworms are brown moths with a wingspan of about 1.5 inches.
What Does Armyworm Damage Look Like?
The larvae feed voraciously on grass, often leaving large, irregular patches of bare or damaged turf. This damage can appear suddenly and progress rapidly, especially after eggs hatch, with grass appearing skeletonized as larvae consume the soft leaf tissue, leaving only the veins. Signs of an armyworm infestation include visible caterpillars on the grass, especially early in the morning or late in the evening, birds and other predators feeding on your lawn, and sudden, extensive damage to grass that progresses quickly.

Areas We Service in Jacksonville
Busy Bee Termite & Pest Control is proud to service the greater Jacksonville, FL area. Check out or service area & contact as if you don’t see your city listed!